223 research outputs found


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    Recent studies have shown that most of our purchasing choices and decisions are theresult of a careful analysis of the advantages and disadvantages and of affective and emotionalaspects. Psychological literature recognizes that the emotional conditions are always present andinfluence every stage of decision-making in purchasing process. Consumers establish with companybrands an overall emotional relationship and express, also with web technologies, reviews andsuggestions on product/service. In our department we have developed an original algorithm ofsentiment analysis to extract emotions from online customer opinions. With this algorithm we haveobtained good results to polarize this opinions in order to reach strategic marketing goals.emotions, emotional marketing, emotional brand, emotions measurement, sentiment analysis.

    A New Concept of Marketing: The Emotional Marketing

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    Nowadays, in the marketing area, a new concept of marketing is emerging: the emotional marketing. The emotional marketing studies how to arouse emotions in people to induce them to buy that particular produc/service. Recent studies shown how purchasing choices and decisions are the result of a careful analysis of rational and emotional aspects. Psychological literature recognizes that the emotional conditions influence every stage of decision-making in purchasing process. Emotions play a key role in any kind of social or business decision. The emotions are manifested in verbal, facial and textual expressions. People when speak, interact and write, convey emotions.emotions, emotional marketing, emotional brand, emotional intelligence,emotions measurement.

    A Layered Software Architecture for the Management of a Manufacturing Company

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    In this paper we describe a layered software architecture in the management of a manufactur-ing company that intensively uses computer technology. Application tools, new and legacy, after the updating, operate in a context of an open web oriented architecture. The software architecture enables the integration and interoperability among all tools that support business processes. Manufacturing Executive System and Text Mining tools are excellent interfaces, the former both for internal production and management processes and the latter for external processes coming from the market. In this way, it is possible to implement, a computer integrated factory, flexible and agile, that immediately responds to customer requirements.ICT, Service Oriented Architecture, Web Services, Computer-Integrated Factory, Application Software


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    A successful flexible enterprise must have an organization knowledge-based. In an era characterized by change, globalization and competition, knowledge is without doubt the most important asset for a company to gain a competitive advantage. Nowadays, in the enterprise, there is a huge amount of unstructured information especially in textual documents. The Text Mining technology, in the Knowledge Management platform, is the most important tool to manage continually this information.knowledge management, text mining, unstructured information, enterprise information system.

    Towards the integration of enterprise software: The business manufacturing intelligence

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    Nowadays, the Information Communication Technology has pervaded literally the companies. In the company circulates an huge amount of information but too much information doesn’t provide any added value. The overload of information exceeds individual processing capacity and slowdowns decision making operations. We must transform the enormous quantity of information in useful knowledge taking in consideration that information becomes obsolete quickly in condition of dynamic market. Companies process this information by specific software for managing, efficiently and effectively, the business processes. In this paper we analyse the myriad of acronyms of software that is used in enterprises with the changes that occurred over the time, from production to decision making until to convergence in an intelligent modular enterprise software, that we named Business Manufacturing Intelligence (BMI), that will manage and support the enterprise in the futurebusiness manufacturing intelligence, enterprise resource planning; business intelligence; management software; automation software; decision making software

    A Collaborative Platform to Support the Enterprise 2.0 in Active Interactions with Customers

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    In recent years a new model of Enterprise 2.0, which interacts actively with customers using web 2.0 tools (chat, forum, blog, wiki), is developing. The enterprises, listening opinions and suggestions of customers, can improve the product/service. For a company, customer's opinions are very important both for the improvement of products and also for the reinforcement of the customer loyalty. The customer will be motivated to be loyal if the enterprise shows a strong attention to his/her needs. This paper presents a model of a collaborative and interactive platform that supports the Enterprise 2.0 in the management of communications and relationships with all stakeholder of the supply chain and in particular with customers. A good e-reputation of the company improves business performances


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    Generally a good business organization presents an efficient Knowledge Management (KM) system. In the enterpise it’s very important the integration of technological, procedural and organizational know-how. The skills acquired by employees, over time, must be transformed in explicit knowledge and distributed on enterprise community to support decision making for strategic planning. Information and communication technology (ICT) supports very well the flow of knowledge inside enterprise and its trasformation.knowledge management, knowledge building, web 2.0 tools, information and communication technology.

    The Adoption of ICT in Small And Medium-sized Family Business. The Role of Younger Generation

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    The aim of this paper is to understand if the involvement of younger generation in small and medium-sized family firms can encourage a process of technological innovation, realized through the introduction and use of Information and Communication Technology. Younger entrepreneurs, that we call digital successors, compared to their predecessors, has a higher level of education and, living in an era dominated by electronics and digital information, should be able to exploit the new technologies in business organization and management. The new generation has skills, energy and innovative spirit necessary to start the process of technological innovation. From the methodological point of view, this work is based on a qualitative research involving two case studies. In both the family firms analyzed the involvement of the younger generation promoted the adoption of ICTs. This study is proposed as an initial moment of reflection to better identify some hypothesis to be tested with further investigations and a quantitative analysis.ICT, digital entrepreneur, family business, small and medium enterprises, technological innovation, generational change

    Marketing 2.0: A new marketing strategy

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    The advent of Web 2.0 and its collaborative tools (forums, chat, blogs, wikis) simplified the interaction among various business subjects (company, customers, suppliers). A new model of Enterprise 2.0 communicates interactively with all stakeholders, cooperate with them, listen, create, share and capitalize knowledge. Web 2.0 enhances customer relationships and supports, fully, developments in the field of marketing: from advertisement to participation, from social networking to mobile communication. In this paper we talk about Marketing 2.0 that with interactive web 2.0 tools facilitates the relationships between enterprise and customer. The enterprise communicate with customer, by a bidirectional channel, during pre and post purchase. The customer affections sentimentally and emotionally to brand and company. The enterprise can know, in real-time, reviews of customers on product/service and the degree of satisfaction and behaves accordingly. Marketing 2.0 leds companies to reach business goals using technological tools and social media that exploit, in the interactive dialogue, the old power of word of mouthmarketing 2.0, user generated content, prosumer, enterprise 2.0, social media

    Organisations et territoires

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    Identifier des occasions d'affaires - Louis Jacques Fillion La croissance et les emplois : une Ă©tude complĂ©mentaire au dĂ©veloppement rĂ©gional - Paul-Émile David La productivitĂ© des services de police au QuĂ©bec - Jacques Desbiens Responsabilisation Ă©conomique des collectivitĂ©s locales et rĂ©gionales - Robert J. Gravel Organisation industrielle, sous-traitance et rĂ©gion pĂ©riphĂ©rique - AndrĂ© Billette et Mario Carrier RĂ©flexion Ă  propos des ressources du moyen-nord quĂ©bĂ©cois - Sergieh F. Moussaly L'entrepreneuriat des femmes au Mali - Safiah Abderhamane Kounta Le conseil en management : une profession en mutation - Karine Gineste et Jacques GrisĂ© Les systĂšmes experts : une approche pour assister les dirigeants de petites entreprises - Khalid Lyoussoufyine et Louis Raymond NOUVELLES DE L'ENTREPRENEURSHIP Les intervenants en entrepreneurship font le bilan de leurs actions - Germain Desbiens ENTREVUE Entrevue avec Marcel Lafrance Le parrainage, un soutien qui fait la diffĂ©rence - Louis Jacques Filio
